Useful Information for Parents
The Electric Ball is a themed charity ball for Years 9 and 10, which is held at Embargo Republica in Chelsea. All profits are donated to NSPCC's Childline.
The Balls are run by a team of dedicated, unpaid volunteers.
The Ball has been running since 2014.
Hopefully, you will find answers to any questions you may have in the section below, but if not, please reach out to us at info@theelectricball.com.
What are the timings?
The doors will only open at 8.30pm. Queuing before that will be from the corner of Kings Road and Lots Road along the Kings Road side of Embargo's (the entrance is on Lots Road). The balls finish at midnight and the children will exit from the Kings Road side of the building. When waiting for your children please do not block the pavement or be too noisy otherwise we will get noise complaints from the local residents!
Parents should let their child know they are there to collect them and their child will be let downstairs once we know someone is there to meet them. All children must be met by an adult at the end of the night.
Dress Code.
Each year the Ball has a different theme. It is not Black Tie and children should come dressed smartly but comfortably - we know some do not like dressing up and that is fine. We do give out a prize for the best dressed boy and girl each night, so it might be worth the effort!
How much are the tickets?
The ticket price will remain the same as last year at £80 but we are passing on the ticketing fee of £1.92 plus any credit card fee.
How to buy tickets.
We will email out the link the day before the tickets go live to our subscribers, put it on the website and it will also be on our Instagram profile. Subscribing to the website (via the link below) and following us on Instagram will ensure that you are kept up to date. We are using a new site this year called Jumblebee which requires you to create an account before checking out. It may save you time to do this in advance.
How many tickets can I buy?
We will allow up to 2 tickets to be purchased at a time. You may buy as many as you need but only 2 at a time, so that checkout is swift and everyone gets a chance to purchase. Please have the following information to hand when booking:
Parent's name
Parents email
Attendee Name
Mobile number of adult collecting
School of attendee
School year of attendee
Please make sure to read the Ts & Cs.
We try to ensure an equal number of boys and girls on the evening, so please do make sure you are booking tickets for the right gender.
This year we are using a new ticketing site called Jumblebee after complaints about Eventbrite. The new site does not allow the customer to change any details themselves after purchase but it can be done by contacting us and we will change it for a £15 fee.
All attendees need to have their passport photo on their phone as we will be cross checking tickets to ID.
Can I get a refund?
We will not be offering refunds as this is a charity event.
Getting there.
There is Pay & Display parking along Tetcott Road and Lots Road and single yellow lines which are fine to park on after 6.30pm. Please do not park on the double yellow lines on the Kings Road and Lots Road as they are on bus routes and the buses cannot pass if cars are parked on the double yellow lines.
Is there a waiting list?
If all the tickets for a Ball have sold out, there will be a waiting list on The Electric Ball website (not the Jumblebee website) that you can add your details to. Tickets are allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Admittance will only be allowed with a valid ticket for the right evening. Tickets will be scanned and wristbands provided to those who have a valid ticket and meet the security checks.
All guests will be checked upon arrival for alcohol, cigarettes, vapes or illegal substances with searches of clothing and bags. So that we can keep all attendees safe, anyone refusing these checks will not be allowed to enter the party.
We deem that by purchasing a ticket and allowing your teenager to enter the premises, you have given your consent for these ticket holders to be searched.
Alcohol will not be tolerated. Any guest suspected of intoxication or bringing alcohol into the venue will be refused entry and require immediate collection. If intoxication is suspected, we reserve the right to administer a breathalyser test. If the test is failed, the teenager will be refused admittance and will need to be collected by a responsible adult.
Drugs/illegal substances are not tolerated and will involve immediate police intervention.
Embargo Republica and The Electric Ball Committee reserve the right to refuse entry to any person.
Any vapes, cigarettes and alcohol found will be confiscated and disposed of.
Can I leave the event and return?
If a teenager wishes to leave early, they can contact a member of the committee (they will be in green NSPCC t-shirts on the night) who will ensure they are looked after until they are collected by their parent.
No re-entry is allowed once they have left the event.
There is a small cloakroom available but the queue at the end of the night can be very long, so we advise travelling light!
There is a photographer on the night and also a photobooth. Photos will be on our website and on Instagram - please see our photo and video policy.
Photo and video policy
The Electric Ball reserves the right to use any photograph/video taken at the Balls without the expressed written permission of those included within the photograph/video. The Electric Ball may use the the photograph/video in media material produced, used or contracted by The Electric Ball including but not limited to websites, promotions, social media etc.
To ensure the privacy of individuals and children, images will not be identified using names or personal identifying information without written approval from the photographed subject, parent or legal guardian.
Any person not affiliated with The Electric Ball may not use, copy, alter or modify Electric Ball photographs, graphics, videography or other, similar reproductions or recordings without the advance written permission of an authorised designee from The Electric Ball.
Strobe Lighting
We are aware that strobe lighting presents a difficulty for some children and do not use it at our Balls.
Liability and disclaimer
Whilst all necessary precautions will be taken and provided during the events, The Electric Ball Committee and the NSPCC accept no liability for any action whatsoever.
Safeguarding of the teenagers in our care is our priority. Members of the committee and Embargo's security team will be supervising on the night and will be clearly visible in green NSPCC t-shirts. Your child should feel free to approach them if they have any concerns or difficulties. We will put up a phone number on the website on the day of each ball to call in case of any issues/emergencies.
A representative from the NSPCC will also be present on each night to oversee any safeguarding issues.
We will have a separate quiet room in case any teenager feels unwell on the night where they can wait until their parent can collect them. We also have a First Aid station available with trained staff.